Time Is Money
All people have the same time to dispose of every day, the difference is that the successful manage their time successfully in the same way as their money.
Have you ever awoken in the morning and thought that today I live another day of my life? We all have a certain amount of time on earth, we do not know how much time we have, but we know that the time will be reduced for each day that passes. Is it not strange then that many of us treat our time as something routine that we throw away without a second thought?
Would not you like to occupy your time so you do what you really think is worth something to you? How would your life look if you lived your dreams, instead of the quality of life slowly disappearing, sitting on the couch in front of the TV, watching reality shows and health programs that might alter the lives of others, but is wasting yet another night of your life?
Is it not time for you to make a reality of your dreams and manage your time in the best possible way? When you look at people who have been successful, it is often a combination of managing time well between work, health and family, which allows them to succeed. Those who only manage their time well with their career often have problems with health and family, and the same applies to those who only focus on their health or family.
The characteristics of the successful are that they focus all their time on what they do here and now. Set up your planning into a block where you give 100% focus on jobs, family and health, rather than to running around like a chicken with its head cut off, with unplanned tasks that will never get done. All of your focus going on that which has happened or what will happen, only draining you of a lot of energy and creating nothing of value.
The successful act as though they have very little time left all the time, thereby bringing about more in a week than many do in a year. No wonder they succeed in what they do, because they are continually creating as many opportunities as they can for success.
Therefore, if you are one of those who wait and wait for better times and perhaps one day dare take the step, you often have the time taken away from you and your chances of achieving your dreams become non-existent, because you only gave them one chance. The difference between those who really create success and those who do not, is that the successful seek opportunities until they have found a solution that sells and success is a fact, while the non- successful give up at first sign of resistance and park themselves in front of the television in its comfortable but devastating consequences.
If you have given up your dreams, remember that you now have even less time to do what you dream about. Take hold of your life and realize your dreams here and now, as this day will never be back again.
In order to facilitate your plans so you can use this success planning on any working day of the week:
1. Write down ten points that you really want to do tomorrow in terms of your job, your health and your relationship.
2. In the morning, do all of these points and then plan the next day's points.
3. Divide the day into working block, a health block and a family block and give 100% focus on each area
Within a relatively short period of time so you will be living the life you really want, instead of wasting your time.
As they say, time will never come back, so use it well.
Good Luck!
Hans Thorn, Success Coach
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