Getting Better Balance Into Your Life
Do you take one step forward and two steps backwards in your life?
So many people never get any balance or pace going in their lives or activities because they always take two steps backwards when they have taken one step forward.
Have you, just like me and many others, become stuck and have not really gotten any pace going in your life or activities? Then the chances are pretty good that you go around frustrated and wonder why you have not gotten the life you strive for, while some achieve balance and success seemingly without any effort whatsoever.
That is how it appears on the outside, but under the surface those who are successful and in balance use a course of action that regular people do not know to do or how to handle.
What is it then, that separates those who achieve everything they dream of, from those that become angry and irritated over what others achieve? Yes, that is what I am writing about, that they do not put the focus on becoming involved in their and other's negative thoughts and feelings.
The key is to not to have control of what, you yourself feel and think, but also to stay away from all of the other energy thieves who drain you, if you listen to and associate too much with this group. Surely you have had times when you are in the best of moods and have unbelievable ideas for yourself and/or for your job/activities. You are practically walking on clouds. A five minute conversation with a negative energy thief in the hallway could have ruined your day or your dream once and for all. Thus, you are knocked off-balance.
The successful person stays away from these energy thieves and socializes and does business with others who see solutions and possibilities even if it is something that the energy thieves consider negative. That something is negative or positive can be the same event for two people, while the successful sees a possibility, while the jealous/disappointed see everything as a limitation.
The best way to get rid of the entire negative is to decide that you will see possibilities in everything, regardless of how dark it may seem. To begin with it is probably going to be a battle between your positive and negative feelings, but in the end you are going to create a calm; even when something occurs that others perceive as a catastrophe, because you know that with your positive attitude you are going to solve that of which needs solving. This creates balance in your life.
Here are four tips on how you can create more balance and success:
1. Write down all of the negative words that you say in a day
2. Write down all of the negative thoughts that you have in a day
3. Write down all of the negative feelings you have in a day
4. Begin converting the negative pattern to a positive state
After a while you will notice that life becomes simpler and you create more balance and success around you. The view you have of yourself and others will take you in the right direction, in the form of thoughts, feelings and the words that come out of your mouth.
Good Luck!
Hans Thorn, Success Coach
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