A cloak of invisibility is a theme that has occurred in fiction, and is a device which is under some scientific inquiry.On October 19, 2006, a joint effort between scientists from the United Kingdom and the United States of America produced a cloak that routed microwaves of a particular frequency around a copper cylinder in a way that made them emerge almost as if there were nothing there. The cloak was made from metamaterials. It cast a small shadow, which the designers hope to fix.The device works only in two dimensions and only at a particular microwave frequency. Work on achieving similar results with visible light is in progress.David R. Smith, Augustine Scholar and professor of electrical and computer engineering at Duke University which demonstrated the first working "invisibility cloak" makes reference to a fundamental problem with these devices as "invisibility cloaks":[…]
Recent Studies on Cloaks of invisibility:
- Invisibility Cloak And Ultra-powerful Microscopes: New Research Field Promises Radical Advances In Optical Technologies: A new research field called transformation optics may usher in a host of radical advances including a cloak of invisibility and ultra-powerful microscopes and computers by harnessing nanotechnology and "metamaterials."[1]
- Invisibility Undone: Chinese Scientists Demonstrate How To Uncloak An Invisible Object: Harry Potter beware! A team of Chinese scientists has developed a way to unmask your invisibility cloak. According to a new paper in Optics Express certain materials underneath an invisibility cloak would allow invisible objects be seen again.[2]
- Tsunami Invisibility Cloak Could Make Structures 'Disappear': Rather than building stronger ocean-based structures to withstand tsunamis, it might be easier to simply make the structures disappear.[3]
- 3D 'Invisibility Cloak' For Sound?: Contrary to earlier predictions, Duke University engineers have found that a three-dimensional sound cloak is possible, at least in theory. Such an acoustic veil would do for sound what the "invisibility cloak" previously demonstrated by the research team does for microwaves -- allowing sound waves to travel seamlessly around it and emerge on the other side without distortion.[4]
- 2-D Invisibility Cloak For Visible Light Created: Scientists have used plasmon technology to create the world's first invisibility cloak for visible light. The engineers have applied the same technology to build a revolutionary superlens microscope that allows scientists to see details of previously undetectable nanoscale objects.[5]
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